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Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy

    Creator: Digital Education Strategies, The Chang School

    Date Updated: October 21, 2022


    This free ebook contains essential information for web developers and organizations that want to ensure their digital content is fully accessible. The information is presented as various readings, hands-on activities, and a self-administered test to take at the end of each chapter. It is licensed under Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0, which allows anyone to redistribute the material in any medium or format and adapt it for any purpose, even commercially.

    The information is summarized from the book Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy by Digital Education Strategies, The Chang School.

    Quick Facts

    • The Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy ebook discusses creating an « auditing toolkit » that includes the following tools so that you can create an accessible website:
      • Install assistive technologies (the book suggests ChromeVox) that you will use to evaluate your website.

    Visit Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy


    The Chang School Digital Education Strategies (2019). Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy. Book. Retrieved from: