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Reading Rockets Accessible Formats

    Creator: Accessible Instructional Materials Center of Virginia

    Last Updated: March 23, 2024


    The Reading Rockets Accessible Formats webpage discusses a variety of Accessible formats available to children with a print disability. The website provides information on various formats and their Accessible features. This webpage provides helpful guidance for library staff and patrons who wish to access reading material formatted to fit their needs.

    This information was summarized from the Reading Rockets webpage.

    Quick Facts

    The Reading Rockets, Accessible Formats page provides an in-depth guide exploring various accessible formats, including:

    • Digital Talking Book, DAISY: This format is a book that is broken up into a collection of files that can be read as an audio recording. It is easily navigated and allows for the creation of bookmarks. This format can also be read in large print on a computer or with a refreshable braille display.
    • EPUB: EPUB, or electronic publication, is one of the current standard formats recognized by the International Digital Publishing Forum. This format is compatible with most text-to-speech software, publishers can incorporate alternative text for images, and it is reflowable, so the content will fit the screen regardless of the text size.
    • Large print:  Created upon request, these books are formatted with a much larger text size for individuals who have difficulty reading the average text size.
    • NIMAS: The National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard is the standard format used when converting material into other formats. While it is not generally accessed by the public, it is still Accessible, allowing for alternative text and can be read aloud using proprietary software.


    Accessible Instructional Materials Center of Virginia. (2016, January 6). Accessible Text Formats. Reading Rockets.