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User Design, Illustration, and Typesetting

    Information on different types of people for graphic communication, website and information designers, including free reusable infographic

    Creator: Thomas Bohm

    Date Updated: October 21, 2021


    A data-driven examination of different types of disabilities encountered by various population demographics and how it impacts their access to digital content. The article presents statistics on groups of the population (demographics), different types of people, related issues, and some suggestions on how to resolve them.

    The information is summarized from the Information on different categories of people for graphic communication, website and information designers, including free reusable infographic article.

    Quick Facts

    • When designing your communications and website, consider all users. The different user groups discussed in this resource include:
    • Children (aged 4-12) – Design your websites and communications that will appeal to their senses. They enjoy the use of colour, and older children (9-12) will read more text on the page.
    • Teenagers (aged 13-19) – This group has strong opinions and prefers not to read large chunks of text.
    • General people (aged 20-45) – Design your website and communications so users can quickly achieve and understand tasks and information.
    • Middle-aged Adults (aged 45-59) – Prioritize usability over everything else (design, advertisement, etc.) for this group.
    • Older Adults (aged 60+) – Take into consideration that this group (to which most of us will belong at some point) often develop disabilities (like hearing and visual disabilities). Ensure that your website is accessible for this and all age groups with disabilities.
    • Dyslexia (a disorder that interferes with how people process languages like reading and spelling) – Provide different typefaces and contrasting colour options designed for people with dyslexia.
    • Aphasia (difficulty reading, listening, speaking, and typing/writing due to damage to the left side of the brain) – Make the information in your website and communications easy to understand by using short chunks of text and clear and straightforward language.
    • Vision impairment – Design your communications so that they can be magnified and that they work with assistive technologies.
    • Colour blindness – Do not use colour to convey information alone (e.g. add text that describes fabric swatches).
    • Arthritis – Design your content, so links and buttons have space between them (they are not closely arranged together).
    • Text and numerical illiteracy – Explain any numerical data and make sure your language is clear, simple, and understandable.
    • Digital illiteracy – This group has difficulty using technology. Design your content so that it is clear, and do not use icons to convey meaning or functions on your site.

    Visit Information on different types of people for graphic communication, website, and information designers, including free reusable infographics.


    Bohem, T. (2021). User Design, Illustration and Typesetting. Information on different categories of people for graphic communication, website and information designers including free reusable infographic. Blog Post. Retrieved from: